Easy? Who said it’d be easy???

Day 13 I’ve noticed a trend with the last few posts. That being that no matter the content, if I don’t use enough tags, I don’t link out to other sources, and I don’t post at the right time of day… I get NO traction. On some levels that doesn’t matter. I’m typing about things [...]

12 of 30: Cross Training examples

Look at any high tier athlete and you’re likely to find someone who cross-trains in the off season. Just like anything else, if you looks the discipline and focus it’s probably you won’t be in the peak for your upcoming season/cycle of competitions. As we know here, I like alpine skiing. So I want to [...]

8 reasons motorcycles are good transportation

For #8, here’s 8 reasons you should ride a motorcycle Yesterday I wrote about breathing your passions into your life and putting in spare time towards them. One thing I enjoy tremendously is riding motorcycles. Far be it from the standard sedan or truck, motorcycles are often considered death-traps to many in society… However, from [...]

MORE action means moar RESULTS

Welp, here’s number 5 of 30… Life isn’t easy. Frankly put, it wasn’t meant to be either. It will test ya. It will knock your ass down. And it’s up to you to pick yourself by the hind haunches and get back on that horse. And you know what, when you do just that the [...]

The framework of time

I talk - to the point of exhaustion almost - about the importance of ownership on this blog. From owning your actions to owning your own personal truth - my experience has shown ownership over oneself is paramount to getting what we want. One thing I do not talk about enough, though, is ownership of [...]


We all have dreams. We all have goals. We all have at least on lofty ideal life we’d all love to have. Problem is more often then not, we struggle in going towards that ideal and the majority of us end up falling short. Why? Mind you, the human experience is next to statistically impossible [...]

Training: The other other white meat…

Don't be chicken; just climb the damn thing! There’s only 7 days in a calendar week. That means you only have 168 hours to get the most out of a weeks worth of training. Being such, depending on your personal goals, this will require strategic planning on how you approach your fitness. As we’re building [...]

Small actions to build your goals

All great accomplishments in life start with the smallest of steps… To reach the summit of a mountain you first got to take a small step. Then another. Then another. And you keep picking up and putting your foot down until you happen to be standing atop that peak. When learning to swim you make [...]

Biohacking and YOU

Optimization. The name of the game is to always assess, refine, and execute. At least that’s what the highest achievers out there do. And from where I’m standing, don’t we all owe it to ourselves and to the world to constantly be improving and refining ourselves? I stumbled upon the term Biohacking nearly half a [...]

Just Commit ~ Make a decision and learn to say NO

If you don't commit to something - and I mean fully dedicate yourself - you will never achieve the level of success necessary to make a true impact in that area. One of my favorite stories I recently overheard involves Warren Buffet and his personal pilot Mike Flint. The Story goes a little like this... [...]